Over 100 vendors participate in the Union Fair each year. Everything from the usual food vendors with French fries, pizza, seafood, ice cream, dough boys, donuts, and beverages are located all across the fairgrounds.
You will also find home improvement exhibits, crafts, games of chance, household goods, clothing sales, farm machinery, wildlife and animal protection displays and numerous other vendors. Each of these booths lends more to the classic country fair feeling as you enjoy the rides and numerous 4-H and animal exhibits.
For information go to Vendor Rules and Regulations. To reserve your space for our next fair please fill out and return a vendor application. (Links to the left)
Vendor Contact: Andrew Jura
Artisan Marketplace at the Union Fair - Beattie Hall
Photo Credit: M. Drickey 2022
Photo Credit: M. Drickey 2022
Photo Credit: S. Drickey 2022
Photo Credit: S. Drickey 2022