Union Fair Exhibition Hall Schedule
Schedule is subject to change

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We are extremely proud of our displays of fancy work, Art, Photography, Prepared Food, Flowers, Vegetables/Fruits and Arts & Crafts.  Our exhibitors work hard to bring forth their best work and the ExHall crew also works hard to display it all to its best advantage!

One of the first things that you will see as you enter our hall is the 9th annual raffle quilt.  Take time out to study the individual squares, vote on your favorite, and then, (of course!) buy some tickets for a chance to take our “Summer in Maine” quilt home.

Be sure to visit the “Ed in the Shed” exhibit. This is an outstanding display of miniature hand-made farm equipment pieces made by Ed Barrett of Warren.  We are extremely fortunate to have the honor of housing this display.

We continue to have some fun with our Cribbage tournament open to all ages and Connect-4 tournament for the younger set.  This year we have added a Soduko tournament.  We plan to have demonstrations which at this time have not been confirmed. This year we’re continuing our in-house Big Blue Scavenger Hunt for the youngsters.  A reading corner with a story-time for the little folks will be presented by Vose Library.  

We anticipate having the Union and Hope Historical Societies, local Granges, Vose Library, Come Spring Food Pantry, and Knox-Lincoln Soil and Water. Maybe even a patriotic display!

FOOD! Methodist Church Café with its daily specials and PIES!   There are also daily food contests in the Exhibition Hall with judging at 12 on Sunday through Wednesday! 

Very sincere thanks go to the following:

The Crew!  It’s a family thing: Duane, Mary, Betty, Becky, and Holly. They spend lots of hours making the ExHall ready for the fair. They also keep things looking good throughout the fair week.  Indispensable! 

The Quilters! Many of whom are “regular” contributors to the raffle quilt.  But we also have many new ladies from all over the State and beyond who help to make the quilt so special. And, Becky and Betty who put the squares all together ready for the quilting. 

Volunteers: who come in and help clean, help with registering exhibits, sell tickets, and whatever else is needed to make the ExHall a great place to visit! And, Billy, who conducts the cribbage tournament.

Judges: Without you there would be no pretty ribbons adorned to all the exhibits.  They spend a lot of time carefully going over all the items brought in for display.

Contact: Linda Billings

2023 Quilt

Photo Credit: L. Billings 2022

Photo Credit: L. Billings 2022